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These Camera Lens Focus Cards are perfect for any camera HW engineer, hobbyist, or photographer. These square-wave Siemens Star cards are not appropriate for objective image quality measurements but provide an efficient/easy/low-cost way to focus your camera.
Each set includes 10 cards that you can place around a room and at different distances.
Read our blog post about how to focus a camera to learn how to use the cards or download the file to print your own targets.
There are 3 units CLA903-FCS (Default Title) in stock in the US.
Contrôlé aux États-Unis
Soutien technique aux États-Unis
Envoi mondial
Objectif M12 de 2,7 mm à faible distorsion
Objectif M12 grand format 3,5 mm
Objectif Fisheye M12 195°@4,7mm
Objectif Fisheye M12 200°@5,7mm IP67
Objectif Fisheye M12 226°@3,9mm